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Treating Myself at a Local Coffee Spot ☕️ - Was It Worth It?

Recently, I decided to check out a local coffee shop, thinking it might be a nice change of scenery for working every now and then. Even though the prices are a bit on the higher side, and I tend to be frugal, I figured it would be worth it since it's in one of my favorite parks. However, I left feeling a bit let down. When I walked in, I found the place to be small, quaint, and quiet, which had its charm. I was prepared to pay a premium for a drink given the location, and I thought I was okay with that. I ended up ordering one of their special drinks and decided to treat myself to the larger size—a fancy iced matcha, just so you know! It was over $7, and while that might not sound like much to some, it's a bit steep for me.  The cashier was friendly, which I appreciated, but when I went to pick up my drink, the mood shifted. The barista who made my drink wasn't very welcoming; she just handed it to me with a blank stare and without a word. It left me feeling a little disap

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