Are You Setting Yourself Up for Success?

Tomorrow Me Will Thank Yesterday Me

Hey there reader! I wanted to talk about something that I think we can all relate to: how our actions today can have an impact on our future.

Let's talk about setting ourselves up for success. You know that feeling when you do something you don't really enjoy, but you know it'll pay off later? Like unloading the dishwasher in the morning so that it's easier to load up with dirty dishes in the evening? It's a small act of kindness towards your future self. Well, the same principle applies when it comes to finances.

Saving and investing money may not give you an instant thrill, but it's something that will definitely benefit you down the line. And paying your bills on time and in full? That's a great way to build a solid credit history, which will be a huge advantage for your future self. I get it, money might not be the most exciting topic for everyone, but taking a proactive approach to handling your finances is something that your future self will be super grateful for.

So, what's something you can do today that will make your future self happy? How about finding a small way to pay a little extra on your expenses or debts? It could be as simple as rounding up your payments. Trust me, this small gesture can lead to amazing results! Did you know that over the course of a 30-year mortgage, homeowners often end up paying more in interest than in actual payments? Crazy, right? But paying just a little extra each time could make a significant difference. You can apply this concept to your mortgage, auto loan, personal loan, or even your monthly bills, especially those credit card bills that aren't paid off in full each month.

Remember, the choices we make today can shape our future. So let's focus on doing something in the present that will help us out later on. Trust me, your future self will be thanking you for it!

Managing Money Like a Boss is about being proactive instead of reactive.  Sometimes we have to do things we don't love today just so that our future selves can enjoy some serious benefits!