Ages to Know When it Comes to Social Security Retirement Benefits

Hey, what do you do for fun? I love reading tons of books, listening to a bunch of podcasts, and diving into audiobooks. And I can't forget about going on walks, I love those too. Lately, I've been listening to a book all about social security, so this post is going to be about that topic.

Social Security retirement benefits can get pretty complicated, so I won't get too deep into it, but there are three key ages to remember when it comes to Social Security Retirement benefits - Age 62, Full Retirement Age, and Age 70. Let's break it down.

Age 62 🥇

Age 62 is the earliest age you can start collecting your Social Security retirement benefits. But here's the important part - if you start collecting at 62, you'll get less than if you wait until your Full Retirement Age. The longer you wait, the more you'll get.

Full Retirement Age 🌝

When it comes to Full Retirement Age, that's the age when you can start receiving your full benefits without any reductions. Make sure you know your Full Retirement age based on your birth year. Retirement Age Calculator

Age 70 🪄

And Age 70 is the magic number. If you wait until 70 to start collecting your benefits, your monthly amount will be even higher. It's like a little reward for waiting.

So, there you have it - the scoop on Social Security and why it's worth waiting until you're a bit older to start collecting those benefits. But hey, not everyone can wait, and that's totally fine. 

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