Treating Myself at a Local Coffee Spot ☕️ - Was It Worth It?

Recently, I decided to check out a local coffee shop, thinking it might be a nice change of scenery for working every now and then. Even though the prices are a bit on the higher side, and I tend to be frugal, I figured it would be worth it since it's in one of my favorite parks. However, I left feeling a bit let down. When I walked in, I found the place to be small, quaint, and quiet, which had its charm. I was prepared to pay a premium for a drink given the location, and I thought I was okay with that. I ended up ordering one of their special drinks and decided to treat myself to the larger size—a fancy iced matcha, just so you know! It was over $7, and while that might not sound like much to some, it's a bit steep for me. 

The cashier was friendly, which I appreciated, but when I went to pick up my drink, the mood shifted. The barista who made my drink wasn't very welcoming; she just handed it to me with a blank stare and without a word. It left me feeling a little disappointed, and I walked out with a different vibe than when I walked in. I had hoped that treating myself to a nice drink at a cozy local shop would be a joyful experience, even with the hefty price tag. But in the end, it felt like I didn't get my money's worth. Will I go back? Probably not. I think I can whip up a similar drink at home, and I’ve decided I won’t be supporting that business again.

What I really want to highlight is that we have the power to choose how and where we spend our money. Sometimes, when you splurge, the experience should elevate the purchase, almost like an added bonus. The drink was fine but nothing extraordinary, and the service really didn't match the price. In fact, I felt like the service detracted from the overall value. In my next post, I'll share about a $300 meal that truly felt worth every penny 😮. So, dear reader, when you decide to splurge with your hard-earned money, make sure it feels right for you—consider the intrinsic value and how it makes you feel. If it ends up feeling overpriced or you don’t get the experience you hoped for, don’t hesitate to walk away.

✨Managing money like a boss is about having standards, just because you have the money, you don't have to hand it to just anybody. Make sure you're getting the value you deserve and never be afraid to walk away when it doesn't feel right. ✨