Why This Finance Blogger Ordered Every Appetizer (And Has Zero Regrets)

They say good things come to those who wait. After what started as a birthday stranded at an airport turned into a domino effect of canceled celebrations, our long-awaited visit to this much-talked-about restaurant felt less like a splurge and more like destiny finally aligning. Some numbers still make you pause, like when a dinner bill equals half a month of groceries. But as we settled into our table, marking a celebration that was technically months overdue, I realized this wasn't just about the meal - it was about reclaiming those missed moments.

The restaurant had been on our wish list for months, taunting us from its perch on our 'someday' list. What began as an ill-fated birthday trip - complete with an unplanned airport sleepover - had cascaded into missing our anniversary dinner reservation due to our delayed return. Then, weeks of being sick pushed our make-up plans even further into the future. But perhaps the timing wasn't wrong after all; perhaps it was just waiting for the perfect moment when the anticipation had built to its peak, and we could finally toast to all those postponed celebrations at once.

Like any good personal finance enthusiast, I typically track every dollar and optimize every meal. But sometimes, the best financial decisions aren't about saving - they're about spending with intention. That's how we found ourselves staring at literally every appetizer on the menu, not with guilt but with pure anticipation.

'We'll take all of them,' we told our server, whose eyes lit up with the same excitement we felt. What followed was a parade of plates that turned our table for two into a feast that caught the eye of every passing diner. 

A view worth saving for - proof that sometimes the best financial decisions don't look sensible at first glance
A view worth saving for - proof that sometimes the best financial decisions don't look sensible at first glance

Our delayed celebrations were met with complimentary champagne - a gesture that reminded us how sometimes the universe's timing is better than our own.

The spread before us could have fed a small gathering, but that was part of the magic. What looked like an extravagant one-time splurge actually transformed into several meals thanks to careful leftover packaging (pro tip: high-end leftovers make regular weekday lunches feel like bonus celebrations). When you break down the cost per meal, suddenly, that eye-popping bill starts to tell a different story.

Here's the thing about being good with money: it's not about never spending it. It's about being intentional when you do. Those weeks of delayed gratification—from airport floors to sick days—had inadvertently helped us save. We'd had time to plan, adjust our budget, and transform what could have been an impulsive expense into a thoughtful investment in memories.

Sometimes, value isn't found in the price per plate but in the culmination of moments - the anticipation built over months, the joy of finally arriving, the shared experience of exploring every appetizer on the menu, and the lingering enjoyment of carefully packed leftovers. In the end, what might look like an extravagant splurge on paper became a masterclass in intentional spending, proving that sometimes the best financial decisions are measured not in dollars saved but in moments savored.

✨Managing Money Like a Boss means knowing when to save and when to savor - and understanding that true financial freedom isn't about spending; it's about spending with a purpose.✨